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Bermuda – Fall 2018 Videos

:: Tags: Beach, Bermuda, Dylan, Travel, Video

Here are a hand full of videos taken during our recent family vacation at Tucker’s Point Club in Bermuda. I didn’t bother to spend any time editing the videos like I use to… instead, I’ve just posted the raw files straight from my device to my hosting site and then used a widget to embed the iframe source code directly into my journal post. WordPress is constantly making changes to the layout and functionality of the tools, so it looks like this is my best option to get the visual results I want to go along with my theme.

Click the ‘More’ link below to see the rest of the videos associated with this post. Oh yeah, I almost forgot… the last video is a montage put together by my iPhone software. Enjoy! 

‘Dylan and friends playing in the surf at Tucker’s Point Beach Club’ – Bermuda, HS
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Bermuda – Fall 2018 Part-2

:: Tags: Beach, Bermuda, Dylan, Family, Fishing, Food, Photo

For our second week of two straight, we wanted to do more than just hang out on the beach and at the club, so we made plans to venture out a bit and set up a half day fishing charter. Dylan and I ended up catching most of the fish during our charter, but I think everyone had a good time. It’s hard not to enjoy yourself being on the water in Bermuda. And yes, we cooked and ate fresh local seafood that night! We also tried a little evening fishing from the docks at Tucker’s Point, but didn’t have as much luck as fishing from the boat. We rounded out the week with some golf and more beach and pool time. Use the link below to check out all the photos.

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Bermuda – Fall 2018

:: Tags: Beach, Bermuda, Dylan, Family, Photo, Travel

With Bermuda being one of our favorite vacation destinations, this fall we decided to spend two weeks in a row at our home away from home. We also invited my brother to join us for the first week. It turned out to be a beautiful week with perfect weather. Uncle Mike and Dylan had a great time bonding at the beach and pools and we all enjoyed dinner at the beach club. Here are some of the photos from our first week of this trip.

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Bermuda – Spring 2018 Part-2

:: Tags: Beach, Bermuda, Dylan, Golf, Panoramic, Photo

‘Aerial View of the Tucker’s Point Golf Villas & Residence Club’ – Bermuda, HS

We had such a fantastic time at Tucker’s Point this week! The weather was perfect, the food was great and the beaches and pools were clean and warm. I had a chance to take a lot more photos this week and decided to see how my iPhone camera did with some landscape, sunset and evening photography. I’ve posted several of the photos here for your enjoyment, but for all of the pictures from the second half of our spring trip, just use the link below.

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Bermuda – Spring 2018

:: Tags: Beach, Bermuda, Dylan, Family, Travel

‘Dylan looking out over the ocean at Tucker’s Point Beach Club’ – Bermuda, HS

Last year, for our early summer vacation, we decided to change it up a bit and spent a week at Atlantis in the Bahamas instead of our usual Bermuda home. It’s always nice to try something new from time to time, but we are creatures of habit and if there is one thing I know for sure, it’s how much we love our little island paradise… Bermuda. So once again this year we decided to travel to our favorite getaway spot and home away from home Tucker’s Point Club, Bermuda.

For me this trip is not just another vacation, it also happens to fall on Fathers Day weekend, which makes this little annual trip of ours all the more special. Spending the week with just my wife and son on the beach in one of the most beautiful places on earth is truly the ultimate Fathers Day gift!
Use the link below to see all the photos from the first half of our spring trip.

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Bermuda 2017 Part-2

:: Tags: Beach, Bermuda, Dylan, Family, Golf, Photo

‘Dylan at the end of another great beach day’ – Tucker’s Point Beach Club, Bermuda

As promised, here is the second installment of photos from our most recent family getaway to Bermuda. I’ve been doing a lot of landscape photography lately and trying to capture some different styles of both the sunset and seascape theme. I’ve also been working on using shadows more in my images, but that doesn’t always work out well when taking random photos with a cellphone. It might be time for a cellphone upgrade. Click the link below to see all the photos from the trip.

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Bermuda 2017

:: Tags: Beach, Bermuda, Dylan, Family, Photo, Travel

‘The view overlooking Castle Harbor from TPC Golf Villas’ – Tucker’s Point, Bermuda, HS

This years annual family vacation to Bermuda turned out to be one of the great ones. First off, this year we opted to do our fall financial meetings on the island, so the entire family made the trip for the week. This was a real treat for Dylan because he doesn’t get to see his cousins who live in Toronto as much as he would like. Having them all together for the week was a really nice treat. There was good food, lots of beach and pool time and we even got to enjoy a good view of the major Solar Eclipse of 2017. Click on the link below to see the first batch of photos from the trip.

‘The family getting ready for the Solar Eclipse of 2017’ – Tucker’s Point, Bermuda, HS
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Our Bermuda Getaway Videos

:: Tags: Beach, Bermuda, Dylan, Snorkeling, Travel, Video

08/24/2016 – “A rainy day and a beach day” – Tucker’s Point Club, Bermuda, HS.

As promised, here are some videos from our trip to beautiful Bermuda. The highlight of this trip would have to be our last day which we spent snorkeling at Castle Island. Dylan did such a great job snorkeling with us on the reef! He is really becoming quite the little ‘Aquaman‘ or as Julie would say… a mini-me!
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Snorkeling at Castle Island!

:: Tags: Beach, Bermuda, Dylan, Photo, Snorkeling, Travel

“Dylan and Dad snorkeling just off the beach” – Castle Island, Bermuda

As I said in my previous post, we didn’t have the best of weather this week, but our last day turned out to be perfect… for snorkeling that is! Here are some photos from our boat trip over to Castle Island for a day of snorkeling on the reef and in the shallows of Castle Harbour. I hope to post some videos of our adventures soon!
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Our Bermuda Getaway – Part 2

:: Tags: Beach, Bermuda, Dylan, Family, Photo, Travel

“Finally a beautiful sunny day to enjoy some snorkeling” – Castle Island, Bermuda

The second half of our week was also mixed as far as the weather went, but we made the best of it and spent one of the rainy days sightseeing with Carlyta at the Crystal Caves. We did have some good days hanging out at the pools drinking margaritas and watching the sun poke in and out of the clouds. I really don’t think anyone would have complained too much about the situation at hand, especially seeing it from our point of view.

On our last day, the wind finally died down and we where able to rent a boat and head over to Castle Island beach for some snorkeling. Carlyta told us she had never been snorkeling before and this would be one activity she would really like to try, so I’m happy the weather laid back enough for us to make it happen. Dylan has also become quite the little ‘Aquaman’ over the summer and he showed his skills on an hour long swim snorkeling around Castle Island reef. I’ll add another post later on with more photos and even some video from our snorkeling adventure to Castle Island.
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