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Our Bermuda Getaway – Part 2

:: Saturday, August 27th, 2016 @ 8:32 pm

“Finally a beautiful sunny day to enjoy some snorkeling” – Castle Island, Bermuda

The second half of our week was also mixed as far as the weather went, but we made the best of it and spent one of the rainy days sightseeing with Carlyta at the Crystal Caves. We did have some good days hanging out at the pools drinking margaritas and watching the sun poke in and out of the clouds. I really don’t think anyone would have complained too much about the situation at hand, especially seeing it from our point of view.

On our last day, the wind finally died down and we where able to rent a boat and head over to Castle Island beach for some snorkeling. Carlyta told us she had never been snorkeling before and this would be one activity she would really like to try, so I’m happy the weather laid back enough for us to make it happen. Dylan has also become quite the little ‘Aquaman’ over the summer and he showed his skills on an hour long swim snorkeling around Castle Island reef. I’ll add another post later on with more photos and even some video from our snorkeling adventure to Castle Island.

(View the complete photo gallery here»)

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