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Homestead Ski Trip

:: Monday, January 21st, 2019 @ 10:03 pm

I was so excited for the long weekend to finally get here. We’ve been looking forward to getting out of town now for months and Dylan and I were ready to do some skiing. Over the past couple of years, we have been somewhat indoctrinated in to a family tradition of joining the Baur family for three days of fun, food and skiing. Over the long Martin Luther King holiday weekend, we all make the long 4 hour drive down to the Homestead Omni Resort in Hot Springs, VA.

This has turned into an annual event that Dylan and I really look forward to for both the skiing and the company of great friends. What a perfect weekend and the weather was awesome! Maybe a little cold for some people, but when you’re skiing, who cares. We enjoyed the weekend so much, I think we might try to head back down next month.

Photo Gallery: https://photo.oceanimagery.com/Journal-5/20190121-Hot-Springs-VA-Homestead-Ski-Trip

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