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Pack 1229 Fall Hike

:: Sunday, November 18th, 2018 @ 9:26 am

This years Pack 1229 Fall Hike event was held at Theodore Roosevelt Island in Fort Myers, VA. The island, which sits on the Potomac River between Arlington, VA and Washington, DC. is only about 88.5-acres in size and sits about 44 feet above sea level at its highest point.  The island, which is a national memorial, was given to the federal government by the Theodore Roosevelt Association in memory of the 26th president, Theodore Roosevelt.

Our Cub Scout Pack did a guided nature hike around the island using guide books supplied by the National Park Service and then tried to answer questions about the island and memorial that were in the back of the Park Service guide. Except for it being muddy from all the recent rain, I think all the Scouts had a great time… and I believe they actually learned a little something about history at the same time.

Photo Gallery: https://photo.oceanimagery.com/Journal-5/20181118-Fort-Myers-VA-Pack-1229-Fall-Hike

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